Overstay Page 81

The hidden danger of nature posters. 

5 thoughts on “Overstay Page 81

  1. Jean Paul Massaut

    Well then its time to remove all nature posters from your office, so it will not happen again 😡

    1. Jean Paul Massaut

      Sorry i always forget that a : x becomes an angry face instead of a cat face i always use, just disregard it

  2. I mean it could have been worse for Alex with the embarasment factor. It could have been one of those nature documentaries on TV or soothing sounds of nature being played to reduce stress that could have caused him to wolf out. Also lucky for Alex that Sara can’t see that image his mind came up with of her when he tried to think of Baseball to get his mind focused on work again.

    1. I think that if he told her about that mental image she’d be inclined to make it real for him.

      1. Jean Paul Massaut

        I bet she would love to do that 🙂

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