Overstay Page 157

8 thoughts on “Overstay Page 157

  1. Clothes are cheap, being comfortable is priceless.
    Still loving this comic!

  2. Very nice perspective on the 4th panel. Love it.

  3. I’d hate to go through clothes like she does, I hope she shops thrift stores 😉
    I think if I were a werewolf I’d just stay fuzzed up most of the time just to save doing laundry.

  4. Another nice thing about being a werewolf is it makes waxing pointless 🙂

  5. Damn, not patient at all, huh?

  6. Any chance you plan on selling this comic in print? I’d love to purchase it as a comic series!

    1. Once the comic is complete I aim to do a kickstarter for physical copies.

  7. I’m not necessarily one for Transformation but having her be so damn impatient that she CANNOT WAIT and just starts tearing things of is kinda hot

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