Overstay Page 141

7 thoughts on “Overstay Page 141

  1. …Is this what being near the full moon does to her? dang

  2. Don’t complain about the fan service!

  3. Can confirm, those kinds of showerheads feel AMAZING

  4. Maybe she’s in werewolf “heat” or something, and that’s why she’s talking about it almost being the full moon?
    Because she had to stay away from Alex while she was in heat so she wouldn’t get pregnant?
    I’m completely spitballing at random here, this is all I can think of as a reason.

  5. Black and Decker should market theirs as the Orgasmatron 3000 😉

  6. I have a feeling that when she finds Alex, you can expect some cute pups being born. That they’ll be the best parents ever.

  7. May I point out in this page she is missing the white hair she is supposed to have

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