Overstay Page 133

7 thoughts on “Overstay Page 133

  1. Did…Did Sara turn into a dire wolf?
    What the hell is going on??

  2. Looks like it

  3. Hm. This looks like a bit of a time jump. That’s… absolutely not Sara, but probably someone Sara knows, seeing as it’s a werewolf

    1. Now that i think of it, its possible its somebody else, if it is, then probbebly a male version, seeing it would probbely have more breast if it would be a female like Sara, becouse i dont think if Sara would change to a stage 2 of her werewolf form, her breast would disapear. but i am not home in werewolf lore, other then that its very sexy and aluring seeing a werewolf like creature.

    2. Guessing it’s Sara’s brother or father – he has the same eye and fur color, so he’s definitely a relative. My guess is either Sara went missing trying to find something magical to show Alex, or Alex has been helping her with her real job of handling paranormal pugilism and something’s gone wrong, necessitating backup.

  4. I hope this is not cousin Ernie they talked about earlier 😛

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